Write down this object-related in JS. My notes.
Node.js the result of various investigations by wanting to use Object when data is acquired from DynamoDB in a good way.
Use variables for Object Key
If you specify around th[]
e variable that becomes key at the time of object definition, it will do well.
var value = "salad"
var key = "name"
var obj = {[key]: value} // {"name": "salad"}
JavaScript Primer - 迷わないための入門書
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Get the number of members in Object
For example, consider a time when there was such an Object.
var userScore = {
"sato": 100,
"suzuki": 80,
"takahashi": 90,
"tanaka": 85
It's the username and the score of that user.
So what do you do when you want to get the number of users who have a score recorded from this object?
Of course, Object does not have a length property.
console .log (userScore.length) // Undefined, of course
Use Object.keys()
Create an array with Object Key as an element and refer to the length property of that array
object.log .length // if the object is on the console(Object.keys(userScore).length) // The output is 4
Object.keys() - JavaScript | MDN
Object.keys() 静的メソッドは、指定されたオブジェクトが持つプロパティの名前の配列を、通常のループで取得するのと同じ順序で返します。