I’m using “Talend API Tester” (formerly “Restlet Client”) to test the API, but I got a response that I’m not sure about. There’s something to cause “Talend API Tester”???
(Spoiler: No. Details in the article)
Talend API Tester
A super-useful google chrome extension that can be used to test apIs.
Talend API Tester - Free Edition - Chrome Web Store
Visually interact with REST, SOAP and HTTP APIs.
For more information, see the following article.
REST APIのテストツール「Talend API Tester(旧Restlet Client)」が超絶便利な件
Chrome拡張の「Talend API Tester(旧Restlet Client)」が超絶便利なのでご紹介 追記(2019/11/13) 「Restlet Client」から「Talend API Tester」に名称変更したようです...
I had an error to see for the first time.
We are sorry, but the Chrome API does not allow to get a response body for redirect.
The same response even if you change the endpoint… What is this???
I checked for about 30 minutes and was troubled, but the cause was simple…
I made a mistake on the “copy and paste”…
This was the cause. pathetic…
“Talend API Tester” wasn’t bad. It was me who was to be bad.