【Devil's Command】Accident prevention measures of "rm -rf /" [trash-cli]

The famous devil command rm -rf / in the engineer neighborhood

I often hear of failure stories that I've been doing with this command for a long time, but at last a familiar person has made it w

Therefore, we will consider measures to prevent recurrence.

At first

This article is about prevention measures. If you arrive at this article after doing something, this article may be helpful.

大事なファイルを消してしまったけどextundeleteを使って危ないところで助かった話 - Qiita

rm -rf /

Simply put, the command to delete everything.

If you write each one super easily, it looks like this.

rmThe delete command. rm [削除するファイル]
-rOption to delete directories as well as files
-fOption to recommend deletion without giving detailed messages
/ All

See here for more information

【 rm 】コマンド――ファイルを削除する


GitHub - andreafrancia/trash-cli: Command line interface to the freedesktop.org trashcan.
Command line interface to the freedesktop.org trashcan. - andreafrancia/trash-cli

I found something called trash-cli. When introduced, the following command is added:

  • trash-put – Go to Recycle Bin
  • trash-list – list of recycle bins
  • trash-restore – restore from recycle bin
  • trash-empty – empty the recycle bin
  • trash-rm – delete individual files from recycle bin

By linking the trash-put in this with the rm command, deleted files and directories will once enter a dedicated recycle bin. (Can be restored from there arbitrarily)


The environment is Mac. It seems to be available in other environments, but I haven't tried it.

As of October 23, 2020, it was v0.17.1.

$ brew install trash-cli

Set the alias of rm to trash-put

When rm is called, set the alias to run trash-put instead.

The following .bash_aliase added to the ~/.bash_aliase page. If you don't have a file, create a new one.

if type trash-put &> /dev/null
    alias rm=trash-put

Add the following to ~/.bashrc: If you don't have a file, create a new one.

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    source ~/.bash_aliases

Apply ~/.bashrc to make sure the aliasing is going well.

$ . ~/.bashrc
$ alias rm
alias rm='trash-put'

I'll test it.

Try deleting it and try restoring it.

# Make a suitable file
$ touch test.txt
# Delete it
$ rm test.txt
# Check the contents of the recycle bin
$ trash-list
2020-10-23 20:04:08 /Users/tabesala/Downloads/test.txt
# Restore (this time, I want to restore file No.0, so enter 0)
$ trash-restore
   0 2020-10-23 20:04:08 /Users/tabesala/Downloads/test.txt
What file to restore[0..0] : 0

A problem or something to be aware of

Since it seems that file recovery is not university, it may be difficult to restore when you really rm -rf / w

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